About Me

I'm a military wife of a little over a year! I'm going to school and plan to get my Bachelors in Early Childhood Education. I love reading, writing, cooking, shopping, and camping!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hi, my name is PK and I'm a googleholic.

I google everything. I'm sure most of you do, too.

If my husband and I are arguing over something and we both think we are right I say, "Google it."

Google is great because it connects me to other people who have gone through stuff that I have. (e.g miscarriage)
-I read about what they went through and compare myself to them. Some of them seem a lot worse than mine.

Google gives me information on things that I'm curious about. (e.g miscarriage, d & c)
-All of that doctorly stuff that the doctors don't tell you

Google is a genious. It knows everything.

But you already knew that.

Google doesn't take the pain away from having a miscarriage though, it just gives me information so that I'm more knowledgeable about the situation.

Google can't fix all of my problems.

It is just a crutch to help me try and get through this.

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